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This consultation has concluded.
Mount Gambier City Council wants your feedback.
Have Your Say Mount Gambier. is an easy, safe and convenient way for you to contribute your ideas and opinions about key projects being considered by Council.
You can add your voice through surveys, submissions, quick polls and by contributing to online discussions.
Its quick, easy and convenient!
Shape your community and contribute your thoughts and ideas at a time and place that suits you, 24/7. It's safe, easy and convenient.
Mount Gambier City Council values your involvement, invites you to have your say and encourages you to tell your colleagues, friends and neighbours so they can have their say too.
Online discussions, surveys and submissions provide Council with valuable feedback and provide you and your community opportunities to discuss issues, share ideas and give your feedback to Council.
Have Your Say Mount Gambier!
Mount Gambier City Council wants your feedback.
Have Your Say Mount Gambier. is an easy, safe and convenient way for you to contribute your ideas and opinions about key projects being considered by Council.
You can add your voice through surveys, submissions, quick polls and by contributing to online discussions.
Its quick, easy and convenient!
Shape your community and contribute your thoughts and ideas at a time and place that suits you, 24/7. It's safe, easy and convenient.
Mount Gambier City Council values your involvement, invites you to have your say and encourages you to tell your colleagues, friends and neighbours so they can have their say too.
Online discussions, surveys and submissions provide Council with valuable feedback and provide you and your community opportunities to discuss issues, share ideas and give your feedback to Council.
If you have an idea or an issue that may benefit or affect the broader community and would like Council to consider consultation about it, please provide the details.
Note: this Guest Book is for suggestiions only. The submission of a suggestion does not imply or mean the suggestion will be opened for wider community consultation
This consultation has concluded.
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HI - We would love to see a really creative way to honour the old Ash tree in the Cave Gardens, other than a simple sculpture,. If it is going to be scupture, we would be extremely disappointed if it were to be simliar to the orange coloured, very outdated sculptures seen along the road to Naracoorte. Hopefully yours, Shep2
almost 7 years ago
How about a New Hotel on the Blue Lake like this to bring in Tourism?..
Allowing the Autofest to be held within the city limits *i.e. surrounded by houses) is simply ludicrous. This very noisy (I live on the other side of town and it is loud here!), smelly, pointless event must be moved out of town. As someone commented in The Border Watch burning tyres in a backyard would never (and should never) be permitted but this event is considered ok apparently. Go figure.
about 7 years ago
Hi, My name is Adam. I live in Mt Gambier and recently our councill has spent alot of money upgrading the unused rail lands to a fantastic parkland for families to enjoy. Just recently they have had a burger bus set up there and also two permanent containers that have been made into cafe's with table and chairs and food and coffee service. I was there the other day and the older proprietor of this cafe was non stop chain smoking of the front of this establishment at the table and chairs provided. I also noticed that there was floor ashtrays provided all around the site. I was there with my partner, 2 year old boy and 3 week old daughter with smoke wafting everywhere. While i was trying to eat and relax. I believe that this may in fact be illegal as he is serving food and not to mention that it is a playground and there was over 50 children playing right next to this. I am planning on raising this with Mount Gambier councill as well as I find this concerning and a health hazard and quite frankly not a good look at all! Kind regards
almost 8 years ago
As a business owner in Commercial Street, I am very concerned about the amount of traffic entering into Gray Street from either direction in Commercial Street. The disregard for pedestrians who are crossing Gray Steet is a concern. I walk that way everyday and see a near miss each time.Mothers with prams with toddlers in tow, not to mention the elderly that are quite a lot slower and the gophers. Surely a simple sign or bright zebra lines would alert the peanuts to at least give way.Please consider this request seriously before there is a tragedy.
about 8 years ago
Hi, I have noted some improvements in the walking tracl around Sugarloaf and Centennial Tower. Could i suggest that Council consider upgrading all the dirt and gravel surfaces so they are level and possibly blacktopped. There are a large number of people who use this track and it would also increase use Cheers John Kellas 0499 764 874
about 8 years ago
I would love to see an annual design competition run by council, created to bring 'the arts' to the new railway lands development. Something like a stripped back version of London's Serpentine summer pavilion competition... 'Every year since 2000 the Serpentine Gallery has commissioned a temporary summer pavilion by a leading architect. The series presents the work of an international or local architect or design team. Each Pavilion is completed within six months and is situated on the Gallery’s lawn for three months for the public to explore'.
about 9 years ago
I think they should add cafes and shops in those old buildings at the railway lands
about 9 years ago
I am writing about the illegal use of disabled car parks....I think that these should be monitored more frequently as there are way too many people illegally parking in these bays and as a disabled person myself I am disgusted by the number of people that do this especially at main doors of Mount Gambier central (getting scripts etc from pharmacy etc after main trading has ceased and only Kmart and chemist are open) and main Woolworths store (4 in 1 hour on Wednesday while I was shopping) and the number of arrogant rude people who do this and smart mouth you when you confront them about it...A big hefty fine would do wonders as there are not enough disabled parking bays as it is and for someone who is not disabled to park in them and it disgusts me why cant they still be fined if we can provide proof of this wrong doing as council and police are way too slow in catching these scumbags. I have complained to Woolies and they told me they have rung several times about this and the culprits get away with it as parking officer response time is too slow. I say let us provide proof so you guys can fine these lowlifes and also pfffft to their invasion of privacy as they are doing wrong in public so if they do the crime...make them suffer the consequences....BTW once I have fully recovered from my hip replacement and I have no other problems , I will be turning in my permit so those who need the parks can use them but at the moment I have to wait another 4 weeks for the op then there's a long rehabilitation so I would say by end of August barring any complications
about 9 years ago
I have visited Mount Gambier area a number of times and stay with friends at tarpeena. It is a very nice area to spend a long weekend. However I find the lack of local public transport especially on weekends in and around mount gambier very limiting. It would be nice to have more frequent local buses operating from 6am to 9pm weekdays and 7am to 9pm on weekends around mount gambier town. At least every 30 minutes all day .
It would also be good if there were buses to Port Macdonald, Southend, Penola/coonawarra, Beachport, Robe, Nelson, Narracorte at least 4 or 5 times a day to allow tourists to day trip to these areas from mount gambier both on weekends and weekdays. More buses to Adeliade, Warrnambool and Ballarat would be good too every day of the week.
These additional buses would make the lower south east a more attractive place to visit for capital city tourists and international tourists. It would also help locals access employment and education services in Mount gambier on a daily basis.
about 9 years ago
I write as a first time visitor to Mount Gambier and was most impressed with the Railway Lands development. I am aware that during the Gold Rush days many years ago Chinese people travelled from Robe to the Victorian Gold Fields, may be those travellers may or may not have travelled through Mount Gambier. Is it possible that there be a link with the Chinese community?
When I looked at the Railway Station I was immediately impressed with the building style that looks either like a Chinese or Japanese castle.
May be there is a way to bring more interest to this fantastic part of the town and to the town in general by encouraging a restauranteur to establish a quality Chinese restaurant in the building.
David Hassett
about 9 years ago
Greetings. I have just learned today that shadows has booked yet another male stripper show later this year. Quite frankly i am shocked in this day and age that such sexist, degrading behaviour is still accepted, neigh even celebrated in this city. There are multiple shows like this EACH YEAR, and it certainly shows mount gambier's depraved, immature nature for all to see. Why is it people are only outraged when it is women being degraded? Why is this kind of activity apparently dine, ao long as it is only derogative towards men? It is clear to me that the actions of this town are dictated by a mob of perverted eomen who think its fun to treat men like aex objects. It dissapoints me that this kind of blatant sexism is allowed to continue unchallenged in our fair city. Thank you for your time.
over 9 years ago
The broad acre areas in the city need to be excluded as many crop stubbles need burning off and fallen trees etc need to be cleared. To plough and work up a paddock one has to have little growth which more than often requires burning off first.
Peter Wells
almost 10 years ago
The colourful one if it is going to be interactive - that is capacity for kids to climb on and enjoy in safety. While being itzy bitzy it sends a strong message about rail. In relation to further art work in this community space - why not invest in a project that engages the community in public art that promotes cultural diversity. Ivo Tadic some years ago was involved in a project - Celebrations in Stone - community members invited to learn the skills of limestone sculpting & interpret their heritage in stone - these pieces now occupy pride of place at Mount Gambier High - we have lots of talent locally to support community arts development so why not think outside the square and make real connections in a quality community art project that fosters civic pride, empowers our people, fosters friendships and networks and sends messages to visitors and tourists alike that we are an engaged community that values individual & collective endeavor. Give your community the chance to be involved.
Community art
about 10 years ago
Number #1 the best buy far
karl Ransom
about 10 years ago
The Double Rings are the nicest out of the three options. As a local artist, I was unaware of submissions, but perhaps it was advertised in the paper and I did not see it. I would have thought submissions would have been advertised through local artist groups like the South East Art Society etc. I also would have thought a Limestone Sculpture would be appropriate for our region.
HI - We would love to see a really creative way to honour the old Ash tree in the Cave Gardens, other than a simple sculpture,. If it is going to be scupture, we would be extremely disappointed if it were to be simliar to the orange coloured, very outdated sculptures seen along the road to Naracoorte. Hopefully yours, Shep2
How about a New Hotel on the Blue Lake like this to bring in Tourism?..
Allowing the Autofest to be held within the city limits *i.e. surrounded by houses) is simply ludicrous. This very noisy (I live on the other side of town and it is loud here!), smelly, pointless event must be moved out of town. As someone commented in The Border Watch burning tyres in a backyard would never (and should never) be permitted but this event is considered ok apparently. Go figure.
My name is Adam. I live in Mt Gambier and recently our councill has spent alot of money upgrading the unused rail lands to a fantastic parkland for families to enjoy. Just recently they have had a burger bus set up there and also two permanent containers that have been made into cafe's with table and chairs and food and coffee service. I was there the other day and the older proprietor of this cafe was non stop chain smoking of the front of this establishment at the table and chairs provided. I also noticed that there was floor ashtrays provided all around the site. I was there with my partner, 2 year old boy and 3 week old daughter with smoke wafting everywhere. While i was trying to eat and relax. I believe that this may in fact be illegal as he is serving food and not to mention that it is a playground and there was over 50 children playing right next to this. I am planning on raising this with Mount Gambier councill as well as I find this concerning and a health hazard and quite frankly not a good look at all!
Kind regards
As a business owner in Commercial Street, I am very concerned about the amount of traffic entering into Gray Street from either direction in Commercial Street. The disregard for pedestrians who are crossing Gray Steet is a concern. I walk that way everyday and see a near miss each time.Mothers with prams with toddlers in tow, not to mention the elderly that are quite a lot slower and the gophers. Surely a simple sign or bright zebra lines would alert the peanuts to at least give way.Please consider this request seriously before there is a tragedy.
I have noted some improvements in the walking tracl around Sugarloaf and Centennial Tower.
Could i suggest that Council consider upgrading all the dirt and gravel surfaces so they are level and possibly blacktopped. There are a large number of people who use this track and it would also increase use
John Kellas
0499 764 874
I would love to see an annual design competition run by council, created to bring 'the arts' to the new railway lands development. Something like a stripped back version of London's Serpentine summer pavilion competition...
'Every year since 2000 the Serpentine Gallery has commissioned a temporary summer pavilion by a leading architect. The series presents the work of an international or local architect or design team. Each Pavilion is completed within six months and is situated on the Gallery’s lawn for three months for the public to explore'.
I think they should add cafes and shops in those old buildings at the railway lands
I am writing about the illegal use of disabled car parks....I think that these should be monitored more frequently as there are way too many people illegally parking in these bays and as a disabled person myself I am disgusted by the number of people that do this especially at main doors of Mount Gambier central (getting scripts etc from pharmacy etc after main trading has ceased and only Kmart and chemist are open) and main Woolworths store (4 in 1 hour on Wednesday while I was shopping) and the number of arrogant rude people who do this and smart mouth you when you confront them about it...A big hefty fine would do wonders as there are not enough disabled parking bays as it is and for someone who is not disabled to park in them and it disgusts me why cant they still be fined if we can provide proof of this wrong doing as council and police are way too slow in catching these scumbags. I have complained to Woolies and they told me they have rung several times about this and the culprits get away with it as parking officer response time is too slow. I say let us provide proof so you guys can fine these lowlifes and also pfffft to their invasion of privacy as they are doing wrong in public so if they do the crime...make them suffer the consequences....BTW once I have fully recovered from my hip replacement and I have no other problems , I will be turning in my permit so those who need the parks can use them but at the moment I have to wait another 4 weeks for the op then there's a long rehabilitation so I would say by end of August barring any complications
I have visited Mount Gambier area a number of times and stay with friends at tarpeena. It is a very nice area to spend a long weekend. However I find the lack of local public transport especially on weekends in and around mount gambier very limiting. It would be nice to have more frequent local buses operating from 6am to 9pm weekdays and 7am to 9pm on weekends around mount gambier town. At least every 30 minutes all day .
It would also be good if there were buses to Port Macdonald, Southend, Penola/coonawarra, Beachport, Robe, Nelson, Narracorte at least 4 or 5 times a day to allow tourists to day trip to these areas from mount gambier both on weekends and weekdays. More buses to Adeliade, Warrnambool and Ballarat would be good too every day of the week.
These additional buses would make the lower south east a more attractive place to visit for capital city tourists and international tourists. It would also help locals access employment and education services in Mount gambier on a daily basis.
I write as a first time visitor to Mount Gambier and was most impressed with the Railway Lands development. I am aware that during the Gold Rush days many years ago Chinese people travelled from Robe to the Victorian Gold Fields, may be those travellers may or may not have travelled through Mount Gambier. Is it possible that there be a link with the Chinese community?
When I looked at the Railway Station I was immediately impressed with the building style that looks either like a Chinese or Japanese castle.
May be there is a way to bring more interest to this fantastic part of the town and to the town in general by encouraging a restauranteur to establish a quality Chinese restaurant in the building.
David Hassett
Greetings. I have just learned today that shadows has booked yet another male stripper show later this year. Quite frankly i am shocked in this day and age that such sexist, degrading behaviour is still accepted, neigh even celebrated in this city. There are multiple shows like this EACH YEAR, and it certainly shows mount gambier's depraved, immature nature for all to see. Why is it people are only outraged when it is women being degraded? Why is this kind of activity apparently dine, ao long as it is only derogative towards men? It is clear to me that the actions of this town are dictated by a mob of perverted eomen who think its fun to treat men like aex objects. It dissapoints me that this kind of blatant sexism is allowed to continue unchallenged in our fair city. Thank you for your time.
The broad acre areas in the city need to be excluded as many crop stubbles need burning off and fallen trees etc need to be cleared. To plough and work up a paddock one has to have little growth which more than often requires burning off first.
The colourful one if it is going to be interactive - that is capacity for kids to climb on and enjoy in safety. While being itzy bitzy it sends a strong message about rail.
In relation to further art work in this community space - why not invest in a project that engages the community in public art that promotes cultural diversity. Ivo Tadic some years ago was involved in a project - Celebrations in Stone - community members invited to learn the skills of limestone sculpting & interpret their heritage in stone - these pieces now occupy pride of place at Mount Gambier High - we have lots of talent locally to support community arts development so why not think outside the square and make real connections in a quality community art project that fosters civic pride, empowers our people, fosters friendships and networks and sends messages to visitors and tourists alike that we are an engaged community that values individual & collective endeavor. Give your community the chance to be involved.
Number #1 the best buy far
The Double Rings are the nicest out of the three options. As a local artist, I was unaware of submissions, but perhaps it was advertised in the paper and I did not see it. I would have thought submissions would have been advertised through local artist groups like the South East Art Society etc. I also would have thought a Limestone Sculpture would be appropriate for our region.