#CREATE5290 - a Cultural and Heritage plan for Mount Gambier
Consultation has concluded
The City of Mount Gambier has embarked on the development of a Cultural and Heritage Plan, creating an exciting opportunity to unpack and explore our cultural values and aspirations as a community.
A key initiative of Council’s Community Plan – The Futures Paper 2016-2020, the Cultural and Heritage Plan will not only articulate our strengths as a creative community, but will become a blueprint on how we can grow and evolve our City to become an even stronger and more vibrant cultural place.
The plan will identify our priorities, inform future decision making and clarify the strategies and initiatives to celebrate and further develop the current and future role of arts, culture and heritage in our community.
We've heard from cinema goers, wine lovers, gallery groupies, history buffs, muso’s, promoters, goal-attackers, wing-backers, poets, printmakers, pinterest-aholics, candlestick makers, ticket buyers, ticket sellers, dancers (good and bad), beer pourers, coffee drinkers, writers, story tellers… and everyone inbetween!
Over the past 4 months the #Create5290 Project Team have spoken to over 500 community members and collated the results of 78 detailed surveys and over 300 comments from chalk boards and post cards.
The consistent themes that we've heard have been collated into a community update which is available here. While these themes don't necessarily reflect the content of the final plan, they will play an important role in informing its development.
We invite you to take a look and let us know your thoughts by completing the survey below by 5pm Monday 13 November 2017.