Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre
The Community and Recreation Hub will now officially be known as Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre after Council endorsed the name for the facility being built at Olympic Park at its monthly meeting last night.
Wulanda means ‘enjoy or cherish’ in Bunganditj language, representing the Boandik community as the traditional owners of the land.
“The Bunganditj Language Reclamation committee feel that the choice, ‘Wulanda’ Recreation and Convention Centre is an excellent combination of Bunganditj and English,” Bunganditj Language Reclamation Committee member Aunty Michelle Jacquelin-Furr said.
“In terms of reconciliation it is important to recognise the long association with country of First Nations People and to acknowledge their place in modern society. The inclusion of Bunganditj in the name contributes to the healing process for the First Nations People and acknowledges our place on country, here in Berrin.”
Wulanda accounted for majority (44%) of the community vote during the consultation period from Friday 23 October 2020 to Friday 13 November 2020.
“Council received 143 submissions regarding the name for the building, with Wulanda the clear favourite, followed by Mount Gambier CoRe at 35% and Berrin at 21%,” City of Mount Gambier Acting CEO Barbara Cernovskis said.
Community preferences for the facility’s extended title were also presented to Council for consideration and endorsement.
“The preferred extended title was for Community, Sport and Recreation Hub at 57%, Sport Recreation and Entertainment Centre at 22% and Convention and Recreation Centre receiving 21% of the preferences.”
“After much deliberation Council decided that Recreation and Convention Centre was the best reflection of the social and economic benefits the facility will return to our community,” Ms Cernovskis said.
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre was chosen following a total of 162 name suggestions provided during two rounds of community consultation to find a name in 2019.
"Community input into the naming process has been invaluable and Council thanks residents for their interest and contributions to find a name for what will be the largest facility of its type in our region."
“The Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre will feature state of the art aquatic fitness, sports, cultural, youth, café and creche facilities and Council is excited to take another important step towards bringing this project to life for our community.”
“Now that we have a name, Council will develop a brand that reflects the aspirations of the community for the facility to be a place that people want to visit, experience and return to,” Ms Cernovskis said.