What's in a name? - Have your say now
City of Mount Gambier has shortlisted three potential names for the Community and Recreation Hub: Wulanda, Berrin and Mount Gambier CoRe. Council is calling on community members to make their preferences known and recommend an extended title for the new facility.
Council received 162 name suggestions following two rounds of community consultation to find a name in 2019.
“Council appreciates all of the contributions provided by the community and Elected Members had a difficult decision to whittle down the list of potential names,” City of Mount Gambier CEO Andrew Meddle said.
“Several names that incorporated First Nations language from the Bunganditj dictionary were suggested, representing the Boandik language of the traditional owners of the land.”
The Regional Sport and Recreation Centre Committee shortlisted three names that met the criteria for Council’s endorsement at its monthly meeting this week, including:
- Wulanda - Bunganditj language which means ‘enjoy, cherish’.
- Berrin - Bunganditj language which means ‘Mount Gambier’.
- Mount Gambier CoRe - an acronym for community and recreation that references centre, hub, heart.
The Bunganditj Language Reclamation Committee reviewed all community submissions and provided its support for the use of the two suggested Bunganditj names.
The following terms are also presented to the community to guide and inform Elected Members on community sentiment regarding an extended title for the new facility:
- Convention and Recreation Centre.
- Community, Sport and Recreation Hub.
- Sport, Recreation and Entertainment Centre.
"You may like the sound of Wulanda Convention and Recreation Centre, or perhaps Berrin Community, Sport and Recreation Hub. The community is now invited to tell us which combination of names they like best" Mr Meddle said.
To indicate your preferred name for the Community and Recreation Hub, complete the Name the Facility form.
“People without internet access are encouraged to visit the Library to lodge their online submission. One submission per registration is permitted,” Mr Meddle said.
Community consultation opens on Friday 23 October 2020 and will close on Friday 13 November 2020 with submissions presented to Council for consideration and a final decision.
“The name of the Community and Recreation Hub is important. It is the largest project that Council has ever undertaken and it needs a name and brand that reflects the aspirations of the community for the facility to be a place that people want to visit, experience and return to,” Mr Meddle said.