Site visits to a number of Sport and Recreation Facilities

Planning for the proposed Mount Gambier Regional Sport and Recreation Centre is well underway with Elected Members and staff conducting exploratory site visits to sport and recreation facilities in Adelaide and the Barossa.
An indoor recreation centre has been discussed within the community since 1983. Recently an increase in community interest and support has been demonstrated with 350 members of the community attending a forum in March 2018, and the receipt of a community petition signed by 10,000 people in favour of a centre.
Following this strong show of support from the community Council endorsed the submission of an Expression of Interest (EOI) for $20million under the Federal Government’s Regional Growth Fund (RGF) in late April 2018.
In May, Council CEO Mark McShane, General Manager City Growth Dr Judy Nagy along with Councillors Sonya Mezinec and Josh Lynagh toured four Sports and Recreation Facilities in Adelaide and the Barossa including:
- Fleurieu Aquatic Centre, Victor Harbor
- Noarlunga Leisure Centre, Onkaparinga Council
- Barossa Aquatic and Fitness – known as ‘The Rex’
- The ARC Campbelltown – known as ‘The ARC’
This was a great opportunity to learn from other Council’s, first hand experiences in delivering similar projects. The team returned with significant knowledge across a number of areas from structure, communication, planning and finance, noting what worked well, what didn’t work at each of the facilities. This knowledge will be invaluable as the project continues to develop.
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