Return Rate for Community anns Recreation Hub Survey

As at Tuesday 18 December 2018, a total of 6,207 Community and Recreation Hub postal survey responses have been received by independent survey provider Market Solutions. This represents a response rate of 32.11 per cent of 19,332 electors in the City of Mount Gambier.
Mayor Lynette Martin encouraged those who have not already voted to make it a priority to have their say by the end of the working week.
“If your letter is still sitting on your kitchen bench, I urge you to open the blue envelope, read through the enclosed information, tick ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in response to the survey question, put the survey in the reply paid envelope and post it back by this Friday 21 December 2018,” Mayor Martin said.
All surveys are barcoded for automated processing. Voting slips that have been tampered with will be considered invalid.