Federal funding announced for Community and Recreation Hub

City of Mount Gambier welcomes Federal Member for Barker Tony Pasin’s announcement that $15 million in Federal grant funding for the Mount Gambier Community and Recreation Hub project under the Regional Growth Fund (RGF) has been approved. Council is in the process of finalising the funding agreement with the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities.
City of Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin expressed her delight that the final hurdle to secure Federal funds for the $39.1 million proposal has almost been cleared.
“Council is absolutely thrilled to hear from Federal Member for Barker Tony Pasin that the Federal Government will support the Community and Recreation Hub project with $15 million in grant funding,” Mayor Martin said.
“This is the largest grant the local community has ever received and Council would like to acknowledge the work of Mr Pasin for his assistance in securing the funds.”
The Federal funding was conditional on majority community support for the project, as indicated by the elector survey undertaken in late 2018 which returned an overwhelming 71.6 per cent ‘yes’ response from a total of 8,722 survey returns.
The ‘yes’ vote also prompted the State Government to pledge $10 million from the State Regional Growth Fund in January this year to support upfront capital costs for the project.
"Given the amount of work required to ensure Council’s largest infrastructure project can move forward in such a short space of time, the present and former Council, staff and the Community Reference Group have worked hard to do the background work to prepare for the project so that it is ‘shovel ready’," Mayor Martin said.
Council endorsed spending of up to $66,000 for an early works package for the Community and Recreation Hub at its meeting on Tuesday 19 March 2019.
“This will include a feasibility review into the use of timber as a feature and as part of the structure. We’re proud of the local timber industry and feel it’s important to promote and use timber in innovative ways within the hub where possible,” Regional Sport and Recreation Centre Committee Presiding Member Cr Ben Hood said.