Community votes in favour of Hub

City of Mount Gambier electors have voted in favour of the Community and Recreation Hub proposal, the largest proposed infrastructure project in Council’s history.
Of a total 8,722 elector survey returns, 71.6 per cent voted ‘yes’ in support of the project, and 28.4 per cent voted ‘no’. The total number of 'yes' votes was 6,230 while 2,466 electors voted 'no' with a 0.13 per cent invalid response rate.
"Our community has spoken and have clearly indicated that they want this project to go ahead" said City of Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin OAM.
“We thank all electors who took the time to lodge a vote and have a say, a 45 per cent return rate is an excellent result for a survey of this type and this compares with the November 2018 Council election that saw an elector return rate of 43 per cent.”
Independent market research company Market Solutions distributed the elector survey to 19,332 residents via post in late November to gauge community support for or against the proposed facility. The survey closed at last post on Friday 21 December 2018.
“The Mount Gambier Community and Recreation Hub Survey response rate of 45 per cent is considered a high response rate for a postal survey and the Council can be confident these results reflect the views of the broader community on this topic,” a spokesperson for market research company Market Solutions said.
The Federal Government earmarked $15million for the Community and Recreation Hub from the Regional Growth Fund, which was conditional on majority community support, as indicated by the elector survey.
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