Community and Recreation Hub Update - 2 July 2020
City of Mount Gambier held a confidential special Council meeting on Wednesday 1 July 2020 to consider selection of a head contractor for the Community and Recreation Hub.
Negotiations with the selected tenderer will now continue to enable Council to conclude the procurement process and secure the best value for the community before a contract is entered into.
"Council appreciates that the community is eager to receive an update on the Community and Recreation Hub and the tender evealuation team have been working hard over many months to ensure the procurement process is not compromised" said City of Maount Gambier CEO, Andrew Meddle.
“Following the conclusion of the tender process and once a contract has been entered into, Council will be in a position to provide the community with a thorough update regarding the project timeframes and cost.”
“We thank the community for their patience as we have taken the necessary time to negotiate the tender process,” Mr Meddle said.
The tender process has experienced inevitable delays caused by the scale and complexity of the project and further hindered by COVID-19.