Social Inclusion Charter

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This consultation has concluded.

Community Engagement & Social InclusionThe City of Mount Gambier Community Engagement and Social Inclusion Sub-Committee is interested in hearing your thoughts on the Social Inclusion Charter!

The City of Mount Gambier Community Engagement and Social Inclusion Sub-Committee was established in November 2011.

The first project the Sub-Committee embarked on was a 'Community Canvas' consultation that sought, via a blank canvas, thoughts from the community on what they considered community engagement and social inclusion to mean, or look like.

The Sub-Committee have reviewed these comments and developed a Social Inclusion Charter that captures the community feedback received throughout this project.

The City of Mount Gambier recognises that social inclusion is a complex undertaking and that everyone in the community has a role to play.

The Community Engagement and Social Inclusion Sub-Committee are now seeking your thoughts on the Social Inclusion Charter and invite you to participate in this forum.

How can you have your say?

The following documents have been added to our Library for your reference:

Have Your Say - Participate Today!

Community Engagement & Social InclusionThe City of Mount Gambier Community Engagement and Social Inclusion Sub-Committee is interested in hearing your thoughts on the Social Inclusion Charter!

The City of Mount Gambier Community Engagement and Social Inclusion Sub-Committee was established in November 2011.

The first project the Sub-Committee embarked on was a 'Community Canvas' consultation that sought, via a blank canvas, thoughts from the community on what they considered community engagement and social inclusion to mean, or look like.

The Sub-Committee have reviewed these comments and developed a Social Inclusion Charter that captures the community feedback received throughout this project.

The City of Mount Gambier recognises that social inclusion is a complex undertaking and that everyone in the community has a role to play.

The Community Engagement and Social Inclusion Sub-Committee are now seeking your thoughts on the Social Inclusion Charter and invite you to participate in this forum.

How can you have your say?

The following documents have been added to our Library for your reference:

Have Your Say - Participate Today!

Guest Book

Please feel free to contribute your ideas and comments on the Social Inclusion Charter in this guest book. We would love to hear your thoughts.

This consultation has concluded.
You need to be signed in to comment in this Guest Book. Click here to Sign In or Register to get involved

An important initiative that needs Council money provided to make it work effectively.

There is specific mention about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and I agree that is important. But it is increasingly likely that the growth of our new refugee migrants such as the Burmese and those from Africa may well be in numbers similar perhaps to our local aboriginal community. The State Government plan for a significant increase in such refugees coming to our area for settlement and these new settlers have the added complexity of often having horrific experiences prior to getting here, plus the language complication. As a group they should also be mentioned and targeted specifically.

TBurch almost 12 years ago