Revocation of Classification as Community Land
Consultation has concluded

The City of Mount Gambier, in accordance with the provisions of Section 194 of the Local Government Act 1999, is undertaking public consultation with regards to the revocation of classification as community land for:
- Lot 1107 Woodlands Grove, Mount Gambier
- Lot 204 Wehl Street North, Mount Gambier
What is a revocation of classification as community land?
Community land is land that is owned by or is under the care, control and management of Council. A revocation of a community land classification means that the community land will no longer be classified as community land and will no longer be subject to the legislative provisions relating to community land. Council can only revoke the classification of community land after conducting public consultation occurs in accordance with the Local Government Act 1999.
Take a look at the following documents:
The public is invited to inspect, and comment on any aspect of the proposed revocation. The Revocation report is available online or from Reception, Level 3, the Civic Centre, 10 Watson Terrace, Mount Gambier.
Provide your written comments on the proposal:
- Complete your submission online; or
- Email your feedback to link)
- Post - addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 56, Mount Gambier SA 5290
Written comments will be received up until Friday 18th October 2019.