#MyMTG - A Youth Engagement Strategy for Mount Gambier
Consultation has concluded

The City of Mount Gambier has commenced work on the creation of a Youth Engagement Strategy for Mount Gambier.
Nicknamed #MyMTG, the Strategy will guide Council in the future delivery of programs and initiatives that help to continue to grow Mount Gambier a socially connected place where young people feel inspired, engaged and empowered.
Over the coming months, the #MyMTG project team (consisting of Council staff and members of City Youth - Council's Youth Advisory Group) will be at a range of locations talking with young people who live in or access Mount Gambier.
These conversations will help to make sure that the Youth Engagement Strategy responds to the things that are most important to young people in Mount Gambier.
Have Your Say on the Youth Engagement Strategy by:
- Talking to a member of the #MyMTG team if you see them out and about in the City
- Tagging us in a post, comment or picture online using the #MyMTG hastag
- Letting us know what matters most for you in the future?
- Completing a quick online survey
If you have any questions of the #MyMTG team, please ask them here
Complete a Survey Competition Results:
Congratulations to Anne from OB Flat and Amy from Penola who both one a $100 Harvey Norman Gift Voucher for completing a survey.
Got a question for the #MyMTG project team? Ask it here.