Elector Representation Review 2024

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The Local Government Act 1999 (the Act) provides that Council must undertake a “representation review” to determine whether the community would benefit from an alteration to Council’s composition or structure, within the period designated by the Minister, which is generally every eight (8) years.

The City of Mount Gambier (Council) is required to undertake and complete a review during the period April 2024 - April 2025.

The review considers elements such as:

  • the principal member of Council (Elected Mayor or Chairperson),
  • the composition of the Council, including the total number and type of Elected Members,
  • the division of Council into wards or the retention of the existing ‘no wards’ structure,
  • in the event wards were to be introduced, the boundaries, names and representation of each.

A report detailing the review process has been prepared and is available under the attached documents at the top right-hand side of this page. The report proposes the following structure and composition of Council:

  • The Principal Member remains as a Mayor elected by the community,
  • The Council area is not divided into wards (i.e. retain existing ‘no wards’ structure),
  • Council comprises of eight (8) area councillors in addition to the Mayor.

The community is invited to provide feedback on the proposed future composition and structure of the Council.

Written submissions can be provided through:

  • completion of the form below (registration / log in required)
  • email to city@mountgambier.sa.gov.au
  • hardcopy to City of Mount Gambier, PO Box 56, Mount Gambier, SA, 5290.

Submissions must be received no later than 5pm Wednesday 9 October 2024.

Following receipt and consideration of submissions, a report will be prepared for Council to adopt a proposal to be submitted to the Electoral Commission of SA (ECSA) and if approved, carried into effect at the 2026 periodic Local Government Election.

The Local Government Act 1999 (the Act) provides that Council must undertake a “representation review” to determine whether the community would benefit from an alteration to Council’s composition or structure, within the period designated by the Minister, which is generally every eight (8) years.

The City of Mount Gambier (Council) is required to undertake and complete a review during the period April 2024 - April 2025.

The review considers elements such as:

  • the principal member of Council (Elected Mayor or Chairperson),
  • the composition of the Council, including the total number and type of Elected Members,
  • the division of Council into wards or the retention of the existing ‘no wards’ structure,
  • in the event wards were to be introduced, the boundaries, names and representation of each.

A report detailing the review process has been prepared and is available under the attached documents at the top right-hand side of this page. The report proposes the following structure and composition of Council:

  • The Principal Member remains as a Mayor elected by the community,
  • The Council area is not divided into wards (i.e. retain existing ‘no wards’ structure),
  • Council comprises of eight (8) area councillors in addition to the Mayor.

The community is invited to provide feedback on the proposed future composition and structure of the Council.

Written submissions can be provided through:

  • completion of the form below (registration / log in required)
  • email to city@mountgambier.sa.gov.au
  • hardcopy to City of Mount Gambier, PO Box 56, Mount Gambier, SA, 5290.

Submissions must be received no later than 5pm Wednesday 9 October 2024.

Following receipt and consideration of submissions, a report will be prepared for Council to adopt a proposal to be submitted to the Electoral Commission of SA (ECSA) and if approved, carried into effect at the 2026 periodic Local Government Election.

  • Please let us know your position on the proposed future composition and structure of Council.

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Page published: 17 Sep 2024, 09:00 AM