Draft Annual Business Plan & Budget 2023-2024, Draft Long Term Financial Plan 2024-2033 and Draft Interim Asset Management Summary 2024-2033
Consultation has concluded
The City of Mount Gambier has released the following three key plans for community review and feedback:
1. Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget - 1 year
Each year, Council develops an Annual Business Plan guided by Council's Strategic financial framework which sets strategic directions over medium and long term and converts these into annual actions and outcomes. This shows the outcomes Council expects to achieve in the year and the services, key measures of success and the budget required to deliver these outcomes.
2. Draft Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) - 10 years
The LTFP shows the financial impact of the implementation of the Strategic Plan over the next 10 years and incorporates key assumptions from the Strategic Plan and Asset Management Plans. The LTFP is reviewed by Council on an annual basis.
3. Draft Interim Asset Management Summary - 10 years
The Interim Asset Management Summary identifies the required future expenditure in infrastructure and funding required to maintain service levels. It is aligned with the LTFP.
Council is committed to listening and responding to the feedback from our community, and we endeavor to make it easy and convenient for your views to be shared.
Council invites you to:
1) Take a look at each of the Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget, Draft Long Term Financial Plan and Draft Interim Asset Management Summary.
2) Have your say through any of the following options:
- Complete your submission online; or
- Print our feedback form and return it to us
- Ask a question using the Q&A tool (requires user to be signed in)
- Email your feedback to city@mountgambier.sa.gov.au(External link)
To be considered, all written submissions must include accurate details of the author and be received by Council by 5pm Thursday 15 June 2023.
Special Council meeting - Annual Business Plan and Budget - Community Consultation Submissions 2023/2024
A special council meeting to receive public submissions attached to the Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget and allow for questions to be asked will be held at 5.00pm on Tuesday 20 June 2023, Council Chambers, Civic Centre 10 Watson Terrace. A request to present a submission during this meeting must be identified by selecting this option at the time of making your submission.
If you require assistance to participate in this consultation, please call the Customer Experience Team on 8721 2555 or email city@mountgambier.sa.gov.au(External link).