Dog and Cat Management Plan 2024-2028

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Consultation has concluded

The City of Mount Gambier acknowledges that the management of Dogs and Cats in Mount Gambier is important to our community. We know pets in particular dogs and cats are key part of our community and as we draft a new Animal Management Plan, we have been asking for your comments and considerations about responsible dog and cat management. 

In South Australia, the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 provides for the management of dogs and cats in the community. The objectives of the Dog and Cat Management Act are to:

  • encourage responsible dog and cat ownership;
  • reduce public and environmental nuisance caused by dogs and cats; and
  • promote the effective management of dogs and cats.

Section 26A of the Act, requires all Local Government to develop a management plan relating to dogs and cats within their local area every five years.

The Dog and Cat Management Plan 2024-2028 will focus on priorities as identified by our community and provide a framework to deliver activities, services and programs supporting cats, dogs and their owners and whole community over the next five years supporting and encouraging responsible dog and cat ownership.

Together with key stakeholders and community the plan will consider the relevant dog and cat management activities, responsibilities and opportunities applicable to the City of Mount Gambier area.

Some interesting statistics about dogs and cats in Mount Gambier:

Community Consultation Activity
Council would like to thank those who have been able to participate in the consultation process to-date which has included survey submissions online as well as participation in a series of consultation forums.

Feedback has been reviewed and a summary is provided in the Phase 1 Consultation Summary document.

All feedback has been considered in the development a Draft 2024-2028 Dog and Cat Management Plan which is now available for community feedback until 5pm, Wednesday 20 December 2023. The top challenges identified during the initial consultation process, and addressed in the draft Plan, include:

  • Cat management
  • Dog faeces management
  • Dogs being off leash where they should not be
  • Dog park maintenance and the need for additional off-leash areas
  • Dog behaviour towards other dogs

One of the first actions Council will deliver under the Plan is to work with leaseholders at Blue Lake Sports Park and make the sporting precincts off limits to dogs. Instead, we would like to create designated off leash areas and a separate dog park on the site for pet owners. This proposal is outlined in Appendix A of the Plan which has also been listed as a separate document for reference.

Blue Lake Sports Park On-Leash and Off-Leash areas (inc. proposed fenced dog off-leash areas)

Areas highlighted in blue will become dog prohibited areas and those in red will be off-leash areas.
The black diamonds (in the middle) are the proposed interim off-leash dog park, with the black squares (bottom-left) indicating possible location of a future fenced dog park area in conjunction with the implementation of the Blue Lake Sports Park Masterplan. 
We want your pet photos!

City of Mount Gambier would love to feature your pet dog and/or cat as part of Dog and Cat Management Plan 2024 - 2028. Your pet must either be registered with the City of Mount Gambier or be utilising City of Mount Gambier facilities within the photo to be included. Photos can include the owner, or just be of the pet.

If you have a photo that you would like to have included, please upload your photo here or by emailing a copy to Further details are outlined below.

Further details will be provided on this page. In the meantime, should you have any questions relating to the Dog and Cat Management Plan, please:

The City of Mount Gambier acknowledges that the management of Dogs and Cats in Mount Gambier is important to our community. We know pets in particular dogs and cats are key part of our community and as we draft a new Animal Management Plan, we have been asking for your comments and considerations about responsible dog and cat management. 

In South Australia, the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 provides for the management of dogs and cats in the community. The objectives of the Dog and Cat Management Act are to:

  • encourage responsible dog and cat ownership;
  • reduce public and environmental nuisance caused by dogs and cats; and
  • promote the effective management of dogs and cats.

Section 26A of the Act, requires all Local Government to develop a management plan relating to dogs and cats within their local area every five years.

The Dog and Cat Management Plan 2024-2028 will focus on priorities as identified by our community and provide a framework to deliver activities, services and programs supporting cats, dogs and their owners and whole community over the next five years supporting and encouraging responsible dog and cat ownership.

Together with key stakeholders and community the plan will consider the relevant dog and cat management activities, responsibilities and opportunities applicable to the City of Mount Gambier area.

Some interesting statistics about dogs and cats in Mount Gambier:

Community Consultation Activity
Council would like to thank those who have been able to participate in the consultation process to-date which has included survey submissions online as well as participation in a series of consultation forums.

Feedback has been reviewed and a summary is provided in the Phase 1 Consultation Summary document.

All feedback has been considered in the development a Draft 2024-2028 Dog and Cat Management Plan which is now available for community feedback until 5pm, Wednesday 20 December 2023. The top challenges identified during the initial consultation process, and addressed in the draft Plan, include:

  • Cat management
  • Dog faeces management
  • Dogs being off leash where they should not be
  • Dog park maintenance and the need for additional off-leash areas
  • Dog behaviour towards other dogs

One of the first actions Council will deliver under the Plan is to work with leaseholders at Blue Lake Sports Park and make the sporting precincts off limits to dogs. Instead, we would like to create designated off leash areas and a separate dog park on the site for pet owners. This proposal is outlined in Appendix A of the Plan which has also been listed as a separate document for reference.

Blue Lake Sports Park On-Leash and Off-Leash areas (inc. proposed fenced dog off-leash areas)

Areas highlighted in blue will become dog prohibited areas and those in red will be off-leash areas.
The black diamonds (in the middle) are the proposed interim off-leash dog park, with the black squares (bottom-left) indicating possible location of a future fenced dog park area in conjunction with the implementation of the Blue Lake Sports Park Masterplan. 
We want your pet photos!

City of Mount Gambier would love to feature your pet dog and/or cat as part of Dog and Cat Management Plan 2024 - 2028. Your pet must either be registered with the City of Mount Gambier or be utilising City of Mount Gambier facilities within the photo to be included. Photos can include the owner, or just be of the pet.

If you have a photo that you would like to have included, please upload your photo here or by emailing a copy to Further details are outlined below.

Further details will be provided on this page. In the meantime, should you have any questions relating to the Dog and Cat Management Plan, please:
Consultation has concluded

The City of Mount Gambier is committed to listening and responding to the concerns and ideas of the community and encourages all individuals to share their views.

Have a question about the Dog and Cat Management Plan please ask here.

  • Share I am extremely disappointed with the decision to cease funding to the SEAWL and I would be interested to know the logic behind such a decision on Facebook Share I am extremely disappointed with the decision to cease funding to the SEAWL and I would be interested to know the logic behind such a decision on Twitter Share I am extremely disappointed with the decision to cease funding to the SEAWL and I would be interested to know the logic behind such a decision on Linkedin Email I am extremely disappointed with the decision to cease funding to the SEAWL and I would be interested to know the logic behind such a decision link

    I am extremely disappointed with the decision to cease funding to the SEAWL and I would be interested to know the logic behind such a decision

    SueM asked over 1 year ago

    City of Mount Gambier was party to a Funding Agreement with South East Animal Welfare League (SEAWL) who assisted Council with meeting its obligations under the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 by impounding dogs seized under this legislation and holding them until such time they are reunited with their owner or sold, rehomed or disposed of post the mandatory holding period (72 hours). This Agreement expired on 30 June 2023. 

    City of Mount Gambier made a decision to undertake a procurement process for this service (as well as other requirements associated with our animal management services) following consideration of the following factors:

    1. A desire to put a longer-term contract in place to provide certainty for the suppliers of the services, Council and the community through the provision of a 5-year contract term,
    2. In anticipation of impending changes to the Dog and Cat Management Act, Council needed to explore the market associated with the changing scope in services (i.e. cat management), and
    3. Given the nature of the service provision, it was deemed more appropriate to have a fee-for-service contract in place and with an estimated value in excess of $200-$250k over the 5-years, it met the threshold under our Procurement Policy to explore the market via a competitive tender process.

    While City of Mount Gambier undertook this process, in partnership with District Council of Grant, we offered SEAWL an extension of contract for 8 months, but they declined. 

    As the first part of the procurement process, City of Mount Gambier and District Council of Grant conducted a Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) to identify and evaluate individuals or organisations that may be interested in discussing potential solutions related to the provision of animal pound and rehoming services. The purpose of this EOI process was to gauge interest and gather information that will help shape the final procurement process.

    At the close of the EOI, one submission was received. SEAWL were invited to participate in the EOI process, but they chose not to submit an EOI. An evaluation process of the EOI that was received was deemed insufficient to mee the requirements of the services requested and as a result City of Mount Gambier has decided to continue operating its own pound for the mandatory 72-hour hold period and partner with appropriate organisations for the purpose of assessment and rehoming. This approach has proven to be highly effective in facilitating the safe return of dogs to their owners and finding new loving homes for those not reunited.

  • Share You mention here that an extension was granted to submission of the Council Plan. What date was the extension requested and what date was it granted by the Dog and Cat Management Board on Facebook Share You mention here that an extension was granted to submission of the Council Plan. What date was the extension requested and what date was it granted by the Dog and Cat Management Board on Twitter Share You mention here that an extension was granted to submission of the Council Plan. What date was the extension requested and what date was it granted by the Dog and Cat Management Board on Linkedin Email You mention here that an extension was granted to submission of the Council Plan. What date was the extension requested and what date was it granted by the Dog and Cat Management Board link

    You mention here that an extension was granted to submission of the Council Plan. What date was the extension requested and what date was it granted by the Dog and Cat Management Board

    Mount Gambier Residents and Ratepayers Association asked over 1 year ago

    City of Mount Gambier sought an extension from the Dog and Cat Management Board for the submission of its Dog and Cat Management Plan 2024-2028 on 25 July 2023. This request was approved by the Board on 7 August 2023. City of Mount Gambier requested this extension in an effort to undertake a consultation phase with the community prior to drafting the Plan to get input and feedback on the dog and cat activities, concerns, issues, potential solutions and opportunities that it should focus on. 

    The current Dog and Cat Management Plan 2018 – 2023 will remain in force until the new plan is approved by the Dog and Cat Management Board. 

  • Share The MG City to date have not released a draft of the forthcoming plan for public comment although the current plan expires at the end of 2023. As stated in the current plan: ( A plan of management must cover 5 year periods and each plan must be prepared and presented to the Board at least 6 months before it is to take effect and must be approved by the Board before it takes effect.) According to this it appears there will be NO plan in force for a period of 6 months as the new plan will not be finally formalised in time. on Facebook Share The MG City to date have not released a draft of the forthcoming plan for public comment although the current plan expires at the end of 2023. As stated in the current plan: ( A plan of management must cover 5 year periods and each plan must be prepared and presented to the Board at least 6 months before it is to take effect and must be approved by the Board before it takes effect.) According to this it appears there will be NO plan in force for a period of 6 months as the new plan will not be finally formalised in time. on Twitter Share The MG City to date have not released a draft of the forthcoming plan for public comment although the current plan expires at the end of 2023. As stated in the current plan: ( A plan of management must cover 5 year periods and each plan must be prepared and presented to the Board at least 6 months before it is to take effect and must be approved by the Board before it takes effect.) According to this it appears there will be NO plan in force for a period of 6 months as the new plan will not be finally formalised in time. on Linkedin Email The MG City to date have not released a draft of the forthcoming plan for public comment although the current plan expires at the end of 2023. As stated in the current plan: ( A plan of management must cover 5 year periods and each plan must be prepared and presented to the Board at least 6 months before it is to take effect and must be approved by the Board before it takes effect.) According to this it appears there will be NO plan in force for a period of 6 months as the new plan will not be finally formalised in time. link

    The MG City to date have not released a draft of the forthcoming plan for public comment although the current plan expires at the end of 2023. As stated in the current plan: ( A plan of management must cover 5 year periods and each plan must be prepared and presented to the Board at least 6 months before it is to take effect and must be approved by the Board before it takes effect.) According to this it appears there will be NO plan in force for a period of 6 months as the new plan will not be finally formalised in time.

    jacqui asked over 1 year ago

    City of Mount Gambier has sought an extension from the Dog and Cat Management Board for the submission of its Dog and Cat Management Plan 2024-2028. This has been approved by the Board, with a final draft due in February 2024. City of Mount Gambier requested this extension in an effort to undertake a consultation phase with the community prior to drafting the Plan to get input and feedback on the dog and cat activities, concerns, issues, potential solutions and opportunities that it should focus on. 

    The current Dog and Cat Management Plan 2018 – 2023 will remain in force until the new plan is approved by the Dog and Cat Management Board. 

  • Share What date was this posted? on Facebook Share What date was this posted? on Twitter Share What date was this posted? on Linkedin Email What date was this posted? link

    What date was this posted?

    Mount Gambier Residents and Ratepayers Association asked over 1 year ago

    This consultation phase for the Dog and Cat Management Plan 2024 - 2028 commenced on 14 August 2023.