Our Crater Lakes

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Consultation has concluded


With well-known features such as the Blue Lake/Warwar, Valley Lake/Ketla Malpi, Brownes Lake/Kroweratwari and Leg of Mutton Lake/Yatton Loo*, not only do our Crater Lakes provide a dominant feature within our environmental landscape, the precinct has long-played a role in helping to foster our unique identity as a city.

We know that our community values the Crater Lakes Precinct and we engage with the area in many different ways. Whether it's for picnics or barbecues with friends and family, recreation or exercise, connecting with nature or acknowledging the significance of the area as a place of cultural heritage, the site plays a range of an important roles and functions for our people.

The precinct is also increasingly home to events and emerging sports such as disk golf, trail running and downhill mountain bike activity.

Over the past few months, we've been asking our community about our shared aspirations for the Crater Lakes, including:

  • What's important about the Crater Lakes for you or your family?
  • What should be protected or retained?
  • What could be changed, improved or added?
  • What's important for us to consider in the ongoing management of the area?

Community feedback captured through surveys, dropping a pin on the digital map, site meetings and pop-up sessions has been reviewed and collated into key themes.

*In the spirit of reconciliation, Council has endorsed dual names for a range of sites of cultural significance in Mount Gambier. To find out more about dual naming and its significance to our community, please visit www.mountgambier.sa.gov.au/reconciliation


With well-known features such as the Blue Lake/Warwar, Valley Lake/Ketla Malpi, Brownes Lake/Kroweratwari and Leg of Mutton Lake/Yatton Loo*, not only do our Crater Lakes provide a dominant feature within our environmental landscape, the precinct has long-played a role in helping to foster our unique identity as a city.

We know that our community values the Crater Lakes Precinct and we engage with the area in many different ways. Whether it's for picnics or barbecues with friends and family, recreation or exercise, connecting with nature or acknowledging the significance of the area as a place of cultural heritage, the site plays a range of an important roles and functions for our people.

The precinct is also increasingly home to events and emerging sports such as disk golf, trail running and downhill mountain bike activity.

Over the past few months, we've been asking our community about our shared aspirations for the Crater Lakes, including:

  • What's important about the Crater Lakes for you or your family?
  • What should be protected or retained?
  • What could be changed, improved or added?
  • What's important for us to consider in the ongoing management of the area?

Community feedback captured through surveys, dropping a pin on the digital map, site meetings and pop-up sessions has been reviewed and collated into key themes.

*In the spirit of reconciliation, Council has endorsed dual names for a range of sites of cultural significance in Mount Gambier. To find out more about dual naming and its significance to our community, please visit www.mountgambier.sa.gov.au/reconciliation