Managing Organic Waste - Kitchen Caddy Feedback
Consultation has concluded

The City of Mount Gambier is committed to reducing waste to landfill, especially organics. As one step towards this, in June 2016 Council gave away 2,000 kitchen caddies to green waste subscribers.
To assist us to evaluate the effectiveness of this project, we'd like to hear from those who received a kitchen caddy as part of their subscription to Green Waste Services in 2016 - 2017.
The purpose of the survey is to get feedback regarding the use of the kitchen caddies to divert food scraps away from rubbish bins, and hence landfill.
This survey is only for 2016-2017 Mount Gambier Green Waste Service Subscribers, and only those who took one of the free kitchen caddies when they were offered to green waste subscribers in June 2016.
Those completing the survey can opt-in to go in to the draw to receive a worm farm kit valued at over $50.00 or one of 30 free coffee/drink vouchers to the Bookmark Café at the Mount Gambier Library.
Do you have a question about any of the sustainability initiatives delivered by the City of Mount Gambier? If so, ask it here and we'll get back to you. Note - you'll need to be logged in to ask a question.