What's in a name?
As the most significant recreational facility in our region the Community and Recreation Hub will be a multi-generational game changer for our City. With state-of-the-art aquatic, fitness, sports, cultural and entertainment facilities it is important that the name reflects the aspirations of the community, to be a place that people want to visit, experience and return to.
A total of 162 name suggestions were received from the community following two rounds of consultation to find a name in 2019.
In line with Council's Reconciliation Action Plan, the Bunganditj Language Reclamation Committee were invited to submit suggestions for the name referencing Bunganditj language and review the significant number of the community submissions that referenced First Nations languages, providing their support for a selection of appropriate Bunganditj names.
The community is invited to select their preference for a name and recommendation for an extended title for the facility.
Three potential names have been shortlisted:
- Wulanda - Bunganditj language meaning Enjoy, Cherish
- Berrin - Bunganditj language for Mount Gambier
- Mount Gambier CoRe - CoRe and acronym for community and recreation and referencing centre, hub, heart
The following extended titles are also presented for community feedback:
- Convention and Recreation Centre
- Community, Sport and Recreation Hub
- Sport, Recreation and Entertainment Centre
Maybe you like 'Wulanda Convention and Recreation Centre 'or 'Berrin Sport, Recreation ad Entertainment Centre'?
Have your say today! One submission per registration. Consultation closes Friday 13 November 2020.