Previous Consultation

    In 2022, Council completed a range of community consultation to help to gather ideas for a redevelopment of the nature play area at the site. Over 70 ideas were submitted, including comments and images of other examples of much-loved play spaces. 

    These ideas played an important role in informing the designs which are now presented for your consideration. 

    Over 20 drawings were also uploaded that illustrated the elements and features that were important to our local children. 

    Learn to Ride Space

    Council has received strong community feedback for the inclusion of a Learn to Ride Space at the Railway Lands. Consequently a purpose built learn to ride space has been endorsed by Council to be built on the western fenced platform adjacent the signal tower toilets at the site. 

    View the site plan for the Learn to Ride Space here

    Previous announcements about this development can be found here

    Youth Activity Hub - Preliminary Design

    As part of the Railway Lands Playspace redevelopment we have also drafted a concept design for a Youth Activity Hub which is proposed for the precinct area adjacent Bay Road.

    Development of a Youth Activity Hub comes from extensive community feedback and key recommendations in both Council's Youth Engagement Strategy and Sport, Recreation Open Space Strategy (SROSS). Both of which highlight the need for a central youth space in our city.

    This component of the site plan is provided to start discussions within our community about this type of facility in the Railway Lands and allow initial feedback to be gathered to inform more detailed plans in the future. 

    The preliminary concept plans for a youth activity hub can be viewed here.

    Where are the water play elements?

    While designing the space JPE considered water play in the redevelopment of the Railway Lands Playspace. 

    However, while undertaking initial costings water play was going to be extremely costly due to the hydraulics and extensive plumbing works required. This would mean that other year round play elements, such as the flying fox and custom built train components, would not be able to included as the budget would need to be allocated to getting water into the space. 

    What will happen to the existing sculptures?

    The proposed Concept Design for the playspace will require some of the existing sculptures, such as the red gum lizard, to be relocated. Providing these elements are still fit for purpose and meet safety standards they will be incorporated into the new playspace.