Why is the community being presented with 5 names to choose from?
In mid June 2015, the City of Mount Gambier commenced a community consultation to name the site of the Old Hospital. This first round invited all ideas for potential names for the site and a wide range of options were suggested. Council reviewed the names and shortlisted 5 for a community vote.
Can I vote for more than one name or provide a preference in order?
Council would like to know your first choice out of the five names presented. This is why you can only select one name on the form on this web site. The name with the most votes at the end of the consultation will be presented to Council for consideration.
Can I suggest a different name?
What happens with the votes gathered through the consultation process?
The City of Mount Gambier welcomes your vote on one preferred name from the shortlist before 4:00pm on 28 August 2015. The name receiving the most votes at this point will be presented to Council as the preferred option.