Once a submission is received, correspondence will be sent confirming its recept.
Council staff will review all submissions received, collating these responses into a report.
This report will then be presented to Council in a Special Meeting of Council to be conducted in June 2014. All those who make a formal submission* will be provided with the opportunity to present their submission to Council.
Consideration will be given to all feedback received before the final 2014/15 Business Plan and Budget is endorsed by Council in June 2014.
*Please note, comments and/or inquiries made online via the Guest Book or Q&A Tool will not be eligible to be presented to Council during the Special Meetings.
All feedback forms, submissions or correspondence will be acknowledged either by email or in writing so that you know your comments/feedback has been received.
How is the Business Plan & Budget (BP&B) developed?
The BP&B is an important part of Council’s overall planning and is developed with reference to Councils Strategic Plan, Long Term Financial Plan and Asset Management Plans.
It links our strategic goals with our long term financial planning with our annual Budget process to ensure our priorities reflect the needs of our community.
It defines our objectives for the year and is a statement of the City’s intended programs and activities for the financial year.
What does the Business Plan & Budget (BP&B) contain?
In defining Council’s objectives for the year the BP&B contains a summary of estimated revenue and expenditure required to deliver intended programs and activities, all have been developed with the context of Councils commitment to financial sustainability and longer term financial planning. Importantly, it also describes Councils rating strategy and the impact on rates for our ratepayers.
What is the impact on rates for ratepayers in the Draft Business Plan & Budget (BP&B)?
Council’s Long Term Financial Plan predicts a required 5% increase in rates, however the draft Budget is able to be balanced with a lesser 4.8% rate revenue increase, including a growth factor (new assessments) estimated to be in the order of 0.5% which we anticipate will result in an average rate increase of a little over 4% for 2014/2015.
This reduction in rate revenue is able to be achieved due to a combination of factors including:
-Major capital works project tenders less than anticipated (less borrowings)
-Savings in operational costs
-Success in grant funding for major capital works projects (less borrowings)
When does consultation close on the Draft Business Plan & Budget (BP&B)?
Friday, 9th May, 2014, after which time special meetings of Council will be scheduled to consider public submissions and eventually finalise the 2014/2015 Business Plan and Budget.